You cannot make people learn.

You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen.


Thinkways is a government-recognised, independent educational organisation based in Perth, Western Australia, dedicated to nurturing the unique interests and abilities of children with high learning potential. Founded by a scientist and a fully qualified, registered teacher with extensive experience in gifted and talented education, Thinkways has quickly become a trusted institution. Our enriching programs are designed to provide stimulating environments where young learners collaborate with like-minded peers, fostering a growth mindset through intellectual risk-taking and resilience.

We offer a comprehensive range of activities throughout the year, including school holiday programs, after-school sessions, and term-time workshops. These experiences are held in inspiring locations chosen not only for their creativity-inducing environments but also for the safety and well-being of our participants. At Thinkways, we believe in empowering children to explore, innovate, and unleash their curiosity to the fullest extent, supported by experienced educators and professionals committed to their holistic development.

Proudly in Partnership

What parents are saying ...

Isla really enjoyed herself and learnt a lot - she's asking to give the family a presentation in the morning!
Hollie loved the workshop and was absolutely fascinated by this particular course. Thank you so much for offering such interesting courses that are different to much in the market place.
I just wanted to say thank you for putting on such a fun, interesting workshop. Ben really enjoyed it and has not stopped talking about it. He is already asking when he can attend another workshop.
Josh really enjoyed the workshop and wished he could have attended the afternoon session too. This was the highlight for him so we hope to come back for another session soon. Caspar felt the same and they would love to come back again. Thanks so much.
She loved it and couldn't stop talking about it all the way home! You provided such a unique, fun and hands-on experience. It is an excellent example of how education can and should be.
What an amazing experience this workshop was for Jack, he loved every minute of it! Thanks.

Be first notified when future workshops become available.